Cookie Policy

In order to provide our customers an online shopping experience with personalised features and content, you will need to allow your computer, tablet or mobile phone to accept cookies.

The cookies we use do not store sensitive or personal information such as your name, address or payment details. The cookies on our site simply provide the ‘key’ that is associated with the information once you are signed in.

The following are the types of cookies used by our platform provider Salesforce Commerce Cloud.



Parts of Dropkick may display video or animation content using Adobe Flash Player. Adobe uses Flash cookies (also known as Local Shared Objects) to help improve your experience as a user. Flash cookies are similar to usual cookies but they are managed differently by your browser.

If you wish to disable or delete a Flash cookie, see Adobe Flash player Security Settings. Please bear in mind that if you disable Flash cookies for Dropkick, you'll be unable to access certain types of content on the site such as videos or animations.


We sometimes embed videos from YouTube channels using YouTube’s share/embed code feature. YouTube uses cookies to help maintain the integrity of video statistics, prevent fraud and to improve the site experience, among other things. YouTube uses cookies on both and on videos embedded from 


If you wish to share Dropkick’ content with friends through social networks – such as Facebook or Twitter – you may be sent cookies from these social sites without our prior knowledge. We do not control the setting of these cookies, so we suggest you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.